Paczki Day Heatmap: A Guide to Fat Tuesday Parties in Hamtramck #DetroitFood

A man in a green jacket holding a paczki bomb with a straw. A paczki bomb at Small’s Bar in Hamtramck. | Michelle and Chris Gerard

Where to partake in the Mardi Gras debauchery

For many, Paczki Day is all about the pastries. But there’s more to Paczki Mania than just lard, sugar, butter, and flour. Hamtramck bars, restaurants, and community gathering spots all share in the festivities making for an epic carb-fueled bar crawl. From Small’s infamous booze-filled paczki bombs to pierogi pop-ups and P.L.A.V. Post #10’s paczki eating contest, there are plenty of 21+ ways to partake in the Mardi Gras debauchery this February 25.

After hitting the bakeries, consider paying a visit to one (or all) of these many Hamtramck bar and community center events. Sure, most revelers will regret that last shot of jezy come Wednesday, but that’s part of the fun.

Do you have vital intel on Paczki Day events in metro Detroit? Let us know at the tipline.

Next Read: Where to Find Plump, Pillowy Paczki in Metro Detroit

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