The Hottest Restaurants in Detroit Right Now, November 2016 #DetroitFood

Hot hot heat!

Welcome to the Eater Detroit Heatmap, which invites diners to experience something new across the city's 143-square-miles. Unlike the stalwart collection captured by the Eater 38, the Heatmap pinpoints the most popular openings of the last six months as well as restaurants that have undergone recent revamps.

It's definitely been a slower season for openings but the final push to the holidays will likely mean a whole lot of fresh recruits in the near future. In the meantime, we're welcoming one metro Detroit newcomer Sushi Coup to the mix this month. With new blood come a few retirements. Restaurants leaving the heatmap in November include long standing Flowers of Vietnam, Dilla's Delights, Pepe Z Pizza, and Wahlburgers. Find past heatmap members preserved for posterity in the forums. Without further adieu, here are the hottest restaurants in Detroit right now.

Note: Restaurants are listed geographically. The numbers are not rankings. Eater Detroit's radius includes the Metro Detroit area and occasionally stretches into Southeast Michigan although our main focus is Detroit proper.

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